Wine Tasting Event
The first PAPA Wine Tasting Event took place on January 29
at the home of Donna Turek.  The turn-out for this introductory
event was excellent – we entertained PAPA members┬áas well
as other non-aviators.
The evening was presented by Donna and Schaeffers Liquors.  Schaeffers is a long-standing tradition on the North Shore, recently acquired by a Palwaukee Pilot.  Present  at the Turek home was a Sommelier who gave instruction on more than
half a dozen white and red wines.
Accommodations were available for note-taking and questions – most quests enjoyed their wines and the company of one another.┬á Food was also provided by the gourmet chefs at Schaeffers.
This was a very successful and FUN evening.  In addition, we made a nice contribution to our Scholarship Fund.
We expect to have other events like this  and encourage your suggestions. Send ideas to Donna at
Don’t miss the next one!