Tonight, Wed. 6/8/2011, we have a very special guest speaker. ┬áOur guest speaker is Anthony Ficus, a WWII pilot who served in Papa New Guinea, and has written a book. ┬áAnthony flew P-39’s. P-40’s, P-47’s, and P-51’s. ┬áHe will be speaking at the Schaumburg Pilot’s Association general meeting this Wed.
We welcome all members of the Palwaukee/Chicago Executive pilot’s association, as well as all members of the DuPage Pilot’s Association, Waukeegan Pilot’s Association, etc. so if you are on this list, please pass this invitation on to your members. ┬áWe┬ácordially┬áinvite everyone. ┬áNon pilots are always welcome.
Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone who may be interested.
This is a living piece of history, and you can be there first hand to hear him speak.
Date: 06/08/2011 (TONIGHT!)
Time: 19:00 (7:00 PM)
Place: Lower level of the Schaumburg Airport Terminal.
There are no admission fees, etc. ┬áThis is completely free and sponsored by the Schaumburg Pilot’s Association.
We look forward to seeing everyone.
Jim Griffin
President, Schaumburg Pilot’s Association