I was the Chairman of the ORD Class B Ad Hoc Committee during the initial redesign meetings.  I would like all of your members to be aware of the final report from the Ad Hoc Meeting as our design was different than the one being presented by the FAA. We listened to all of the FAA concerns, looked at Radar graphs and asked questions.  We as a group, including General Aviation, Airlines, Airports and other groups, came to a consensus as to a workable design.  The FAA ignored a couple of major aspects of our design.  I have attached a copy of the Ad Hoc report for your information.  If you could please place this on your website and encourage your membership to read it thoroughly prior to attending the meetings it will give them the information they need to make informed comments.  I would also have you encourage your members to get as many other people as they can to attend these meetings.  Once they decide on a final design we will be stuck with it.  Thanks for your time.
Click Here for the ORD Class B Ad-hoc Final Report
Mark Zakula
Aviation Department Manager
Klein Tools Inc.
Waukegan Airport
3550 North McAree Rd
Suite 114
Waukegan, IL 60087
P; 847-249-4930
F: 847-249-4938