Our Pilot Organization Supports Aviation Education in our local community

PAPA at Chicago Executive provides academic scholarships for students attending accredited aviation programs in Illinois schools.

Our program benefits full-time undergraduate students who are Illinois residents, attending or planning to attend an accredited school located in Illinoisto pursue a course of study in a recognized professional aviation program.┬á If a student has demonstrated financial need, good grades, and a desire to continue to study for an aviation career, they can apply for our scholarships.┬á The awards are given in June of each year.┬á The applications are published on our website (http://www.pwkpilots.kenmick.com/?page_id=20). Applications for 2013 should be available shortly. This spring we awarded scholarships to full time students ÔÇô Brittany Majewski and┬á Kevin Grandberry ÔÇô who will both use their funds for continuing their college education.

In addition, we offer one New Trier High School Senior the opportunity to begin or continue his/her aviation education at an accredited University, College orAviationTechnicalSchoollocated in theUnited States.  This special award is in memory of Mark Turek, and donated by his friends and family.

Members and friends donate to this program in order to support and encourage young people in their pursuit of aviation careers.  If you would like to contribute, you can mail your tax-deductible donation to our PAPA Safety and Scholarship Fund, 1005  S Wolf  Road, #106, Wheeling, IL 60090

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