Runway Safety Tip
Notice Number: NOTC1617
Runway Safety Tip
Things can change dramatically while an airport is under construction.  Heavy construction equipment is often operating near aircraft movement areas.
After a construction project is completed, the location for the FBO, runway numbering or other airport features may be different from the way you remember them from your last visit.
Always use current airport surface diagrams (available free on the Web at NACO here or AOPA here) and clear communications regarding your location and destination on the airport.
More information about Runway Safety can be found at You can email Runway Safety suggestions or comments to Michael Lenz at
ELT Disposal ├óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Don├óÔé¼Ôäót Trash the Beacon!
As pilots transition from 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitters (ELT) to the newer and more reliable 406 MHz digital emergency beacons, many of the older ELTs are finding their way to trash dumpsters and landfills. If the old ELTS are not removed and discarded properly, the device could be accidentally activated and broadcast a distress signal forcing emergency responders, namely the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), to locate the disposed transmitter. ├óÔé¼┼ôIt is time consuming for our members to locate and silence ELTs in landfills and dumpsters,├óÔé¼┬Ø says CAP National Commander Maj. Gen. Amy S. Courter, ├óÔé¼┼ôbut it is something that must be done to make sure all emergency signals are accounted for.├óÔé¼┬Ø If you are discarding one of these devices, please remove or disconnect batteries so the device cannot be accidentally activated. Then, contact an electronics waste facility in your area for proper disposal.vv
Keep Current on Airman Medical Application Changes
Confused with changes on the Airman Medical Application? An investigation into the emergence of fraudulent Social Security claims prompted FAA to add some questions to the application process. To help you develop some strategies for certification success, check out ├óÔé¼┼ôTruth or Consequences├óÔé¼┬Ø from the January/February 2009 issue of FAA Aviation News. And, as FAA Aviation News Editor Susan Parson writes, ├óÔé¼┼ôWhen it comes to applying for a medical certificate, honesty is not just the best policy, it├óÔé¼Ôäós the only policy.├óÔé¼┬Ø