7 pm at the Crown Plaza on Milwaukee Ave.
Rob Mark, who has been an Air Traffic Controller, a CFI, a Corporate pilot, an airline pilot and an aviation writer and editor, will speak on his exciting experience flying the Airbus 380 in France.  He will discuss the similarities between the way we operated the A380 at about 900,000 lbs. the day I flew it and the Cirrus SR-22 I teach in now.
Rob will explain the need for basic flying and how he wanted to hand fly the A380 to get a feel for how it handled, just as I would a lighter aircraft. He will speak to the sophistication of the avionics and how easy it was to simply punch a few buttons an forget about everything else while we spoke about the flight. His first A380 landing will be shown and those attending will be
able to critque his performance (bring your score cards folks).
Rob will also touch on the land & hold short capabilities of this airplane and what a go-around looked like.
Come and hear how the experience looked and felt and how it compares to how you fly!