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Preflight Briefing with Tom Turner, ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI

August 24, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00 CDT

Thomas P. Turner holds ATP and Flight Instructor certificates with CFII and MEI ratings and a Master’s degree in Aviation Safety. He is Executive Director of the American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation. Tom was inducted into the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame in 2015, he was also the 2021 Jack Eggspuhler Award recipient from NAFI, the 2010 National FAA Safety Team Representative of the Year and the 2008 FAA Central Region Flight Instructor of the Year. A three-time Master CFI, Tom has been Lead Instructor for Beechcraft Bonanza pilot training at the Beechcraft factory, turbonormalizer production test pilot, aviation insurance broker and underwriter, corporate flight department manager and safety officer, university aviation course developer and Captain in the United States Air Force. He directs the education and safety arm of a 10,000+ member pilots’ association. With over 4,800 hours logged including over 2,900 as an instructor, Tom writes, lectures, and instructs extensively from his home at THE AIR CAPITAL – Wichita, Kansas.

Come and hear him speak about Mastery of Flight.

Please check back for registration information.


August 24, 2022
19:00 - 21:00 CDT


Rob Mark
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Crowne Plaza Northbrook
2875 N Milwaukee Ave
Northbrook, IL 60062 United States
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