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CEPA Combined IMC Club and Safety Meeting – June 2021

June 23, 2021 @ 18:30 - 20:30 CDT

PWK IMC Club and CEPA Safety Meeting – NTSB Case Study – Ed Malinowski

Topic: ‘My engine was well maintained but it had a power loss accident?’ – The evolution of a Critical Service Bulletin

This June we are changing up the format of our usual IMC Club and Safety meeting. Instead, we are encouraging all pilots to attend right from the start as we are extremely fortunate to have Ed Malinowski, a former NTSB accident investigator, present the findings of an accident in which a well-maintained Cirrus suffered a loss of power, resulting in the deployment of the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) and saved the life of the pilot. Ed will walk us through how the NTSB conducts its investigations, some ideas for us on operating the airplanes we own or rent. He will also be discussing Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs) and how the findings of this unfortunate accident led to a Critical Service Bulletin (CSB). In addition, Ed will walk us through an FAA presentation on how to access the SDR database via the FAA’s website.

The flight in which the accident occurred was under IFR; however, we believe the information in this presentation will be relevant to all pilots, renters and owners alike.

Speaker bioSince 1999, Ed has investigated the facts, circumstances, and conditions associated with aviation accidents and has produced factual reports regarding them. He has 31+ years of US Air Force reserve service (Lt. Col. with Logistics Commander, Squadron Commander, Aircraft Maintenance, and Readiness specialties) which includes Key Positions as an aircraft maintenance analyst for senior AF leadership in the Crisis Action Team in the Pentagon, Deputy Commander of an Enroute Group, Deputy Commander of the largest combat deployed maintenance Wing, and Officer In Charge of the AF Division during the 56th Inaugural Parade. His experience as an airline transport pilot with air taxi/carrier operations along with experience as the airport manager of an airport certified under FAR 139 (Meigs Field) has also rounded out his background

IMC Club: The IMC Club’s purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share their perspective, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency in instrument flying. An IFR rating is not needed to participate in this excellent forum where we think through the various options from the comfort of your chair, firmly on the ground… before it is you sitting in the cockpit.

We meet monthly when pilots (and would-be pilots) network and share knowledge and experiences to keep our heads in the game.

For FAASafety WINGS credits, complete the online meeting attendance form; the meeting code will be provided at the end of each of the meetings.

To attend the online meeting, go to https://join.freeconferencecall.com/pwkpilots
Online meeting ID: pwkpilots
Dial-in number (US): (720) 740-9630
Access code: 119900*

Sponsored by Chicago Executive Pilots Association (CEPA).

If you aren’t a member of CEPA and enjoy programs like this please consider joining CEPA; visit us at www.PWKpilots.org/membership/  Your dues help pay for these safety seminars.


June 23, 2021
18:30 - 20:30 CDT
Event Categories:


Barry Moore
(224) 530-6880
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